Tag: marketing for lawyers

How Much Is It Worth To Hire The Right Marketing Consultant?


If you ask about legal marketing before a group of lawyers, a large percentage will state the following:

  • They feel uncomfortable with legal marketing since it’s unprofessional to sell their services.
  • Hard sell legal marketing is a good approach.
  • They are highly trained professionals, and they’re not running a business.
  • They have no interest in meaningless time wasters.

Many lawyers recognize the importance of legal marketing. Some have tried direct mail letters that include a fridge magnet. Their targets included potential foreclosure clients, those facing foreclosure, accident and liability victims.

This approach doesn’t work and it offends many people. As we explained to one law firm, no one will save a magnet and wait for an accident. It will probably be viewed as bad luck.

What Does Work With Legal Marketing

For those tempted to try DIY…don’t. It makes no more sense than untrained individuals representing themselves in court.

The ideal marketing agency will schedule an intake session. Any type of existing sensational cases might be of interest to the media.

The agency needs all of the details to prepare press releases. If the senior account people determine that the case will draw the media to a press conference, you don’t have to spend the money to rent a hotel ballroom. Your conference room and a few refreshments when the conference is finished will do nicely.

Make sure someone greets the media as they arrive, Don’t let them throw their coats on the floor because that’s what many of them are used to except for major news reporters.

This approach should generate valuable coverage that you and your agency can share. It’s also a wise move to frame major media coverage for your offices. Your agency should use this to generate more media.


With Love & Best Wishes Always!


Crafting Your Client Friendly Bio



You want to fill your practice with clients that are the right fit for you and having a Client Friendly Bio will help you to do that.  A Client Friendly Bio lets your prospective clients learn about you as well as help them to decide if you are the right lawyer for them.  Answer these 3 questions and you can craft a Client Friendly Bio that will attract your ideal clients.

  1. Why did you choose this specific kind of law to work in?
  2. What is your personal connection that caused you to choose this field?
  3. How do your clients benefit from working with you?


They seem easy enough to answer right?  Before you answer them though I want you to think about your ideal client avatar, visualize who they are and why they need you and then I want you to answer these questions as if you were them.  The idea is not to sound stiff and business like and fill your bio with a lot of legal jargon, but to let your personality shine through so the prospective client can relate and understand why YOU are the right lawyer for them!

With Love & Best Wishes Always!


It’s Vital That Lawyers Leverage Content To Support Their Disciplines

Kowledge power


As a lawyer, the concept of content marketing may be a little foreign to you. This is understandable since your training and main professional discipline involves law and not marketing.

Whether you specialize in estate planning, elder law or family law, the bottom line is you’re not alone when it comes to understanding why it’s vital to use content marketing to promote your practice. In fact, this is true not only in law but in other types of business.

With the increasing number of Baby Boomers, all three of the legal disciplines mentioned above are showing tremendous growth. According to the .Jun 25, 2015, U.S. Census Bureau estimates the population of Baby Boomers is 75.4 million.

Content, or inbound marketing, offers many advantages, the first being the low-cost vs. the cost of outbound marketing. Inbound marketing, also known as pull marketing, delivers useful information plus offers such as e-books, research reports, and guides. This helps to promote a law practice and attract clients.

Content Marketing Tools

We recommend blogging, article publishing, search engine optimization and social media such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. On LinkedIn and Facebook, take advantage of creating a business page and a personal page, which gives you the ability to cross promote. Include the follow us social media icons on your website and invite people to join you.

Blog and article topics should include a mix of new or existing services you offer, a capsule of your latest success stories in general terms, new laws that affect your target market, the importance of trusts, healthcare changes, assisted living vs. aging in place, and the importance of updating wills.

Additionally, targeted health, exercise, and diet related topics are always of interest.

With Love & Best Wishes Always!



Attracting the Clients You Want to work with.

Creating Your Ideal Client Avatar


Before you can fill your practice with your ideal clients you need to figure out EXACTLY who your ideal clients are.  Creating your client avatar is a great way to do that.  This is geared mainly towards law practices, but a lot of the questions can be used for just about any type of service professional.  Once you have answered these questions and really know what your client avatar looks like it will make it easier to design a targeted marketing plan so that you can reach these clients.

Attract the clients you want to work with in your practice.

These questions will help you to get a clear idea of the type of client you want to work with.  You need to get as specific as you can with your answers.

  1.  Who are you focused on reaching?  Do you want to work with individuals, small businesses, entrepreneurs, non-profit groups?
  2.  What kind of people are they?  Are you going to focus on a specific gender, geographic location or economic background? Does it matter if they own a home, or rent, are single, married or divorced?
  3.  What are they most worried about before they meet with you?
  4.  What is keeping them up at night?
  5. What is the ideal outcome of their work with you?  If you hit a home run with your client, what is that outcome?  What emotions does the client feel when they have successfully worked with you?
  6.  Why do you serve this group of people? What is your personal reason  or story that makes you want to work specifically with this group?

With Love & Best Wishes Always!
